Diva Blue Productions and 3.21 Productions would like to THANK YOU for watching "Shirts vs. Skins" and getting us to 4000 views in 2 WEEKS!! Thank you also to the 90 Youtube comments...ALL listed below as well as the countless comments left on our Facebook pages. If you're on Facebook and would like to join our fan page, visit www.facebook.com/shirts0skins. We will be posting info and updates on the FEATURE FILM, "Shirts vs. Skins" as we begin filming in October!!
- Interesting, doesn't relate to me at all but I enjoyed the creativity and publicity you guys are giving to a over looked culture. Keep it up. Support what you believe.·
- In a word: BRILLIANT!!! I am in awe of the bravery of both the film maker and the lead, Tajir. This film just gave me my ENTIRE life... and the ending track was absolute perfection!!!I can't say enough about this film... continued blessings to everyone involved in this timely and oh so necessary piece of art!·
- O and 285 has been under construction for two years? Hilarious! But don't do my city like that *side eye* lol #foreveriloveatlanta·
- What in the HELL took you so long to find this PERFECT role for Tajir? Omg... that was pure ART EFFIN WORK I've seen Tajir act in like 2 other things, but this? Amazing. The production team. the script, the characters, the actor/resses... LOVED IT. This was beyond phenomenal. Standing ovation, encore encore I can't wait to see more.·
- aww #reedcheeks I truly appreciate the love, we all do!
- Friggin' love it! I am intrigued with identity from every perspective. I love this debut from beginning to end. Definitely keep your dream at the forefrontn I can see the essence of your heart in your characters. I'm looking forward to much more from you!·
- Thank you for making this film. Def can't wait to see more. Tahoe is awesome·
- Very, very profound. In my opinion, this is not just about Dale and his transformation. I think that there is SO much more to this that just a ftm life change. I think that we can all say that there is a little bit of Dale in all of us. We go through life with people seeing us, but not really SEEING us. No one knows of Dales inner turmoil, desires, or secrets. No one knew what Dale was going through to simply be... Dale. I LOVE THIS! Awesome job!· 2
- Thank you for presenting this film...this story... this truth. I admire it all and you both. Bold. Beautiful. Real. Strong. and Necessary.· 3
- Im loving this film! It says soo much about guys like myself that are MEN nothing less. I would love to see this turn into a movie. Please keep me posted on updates emailing list whatever. I am passing this on. Thank You!blackout.society.inc@gmail.com· 4
- I really enjoyed this taste of the full-length feature. I can't wait to experience it in its fullness! I'm loving the vision and temperature of this project - we, as a society and even in the LGBT community, need to embrace or transgendered brothers and sisters more. They are real, they are human, and they need our love and attention. Many Blessings to you and all of those involved in making your film.·
- So awesome. So poignant. So effective. What a tremendous premiere. I applaud all men and women of trans experience who take to the airwaves to present their stories from the heart. Fantastic job. Who knows, maybe one day my youtube vids may be broadcast on the big screen. lol. Much luv!·
- Great job TDV. I expected nothing but greatness and that what produced. You're always on your "A" game.·
- I just keep watching this over and over again! TDV this transman thanks you for stepping out and doing this!·
- After the 3rd time watching this, I still love it, I know it is speaking to a lot of people. It is a very powerful story. Bravery is definitely an important key in life, and Tajir really has it. Decision making can be hard in this film but I know through out what's next to come, everyone will make the right ones. Tajir is a terrific actor & can't wait to see more. It is always wonderful. I'm definitely passing this on to a lot of people I know.·
- Just finished watching the film and in my eyes it made me feel lots of different emotions at the end and all I can say is Bravo!!! I know it had to be a short movie but if this was taken further and deeper, few tweeks, it could be an amazing film. I just recently found out you did this and wanted to see your work. Be very proud of all your hard work and this film. Just amazing and breath taking in the end seen!!·
- What an excellent film! Now that I have seen this one - it is on to the others. Your voice is well spoken. But I am keeping my shirt on!!·
- My dude Tajir did his thang! I dig this made me think. Can't wait for more!·
- Lol,Tajir is amazing.Everytime I see her perform I'm awestruck...Wow!!! In a Great Way,just Wow·
- Good execution. Interesting, and powerful story. I follow on you on FB, and tracked the production of this, so the reveal was not surprising, however, the how, and the when were. No negative comments should be shared here, because the hardest thing about screenwriting and filming, is completing it. Congratulations. Good casting on the lead.·
- Wow that reveal was powerful Teresa!!! And thank you Tajir, I admire brave artists like you. I also agree with Sajeera, there was something about the connection between the two characters Dale and Sabrina that is relatable on a universal level. Brilliant concept Teresa, looking forward to more exploration on the topic and the storyline of Dale and Sabrina.·
- Now that's what I am talking about! The definition of brave film making. I am passing this along because it is a story that needs to be heard and celebrated.· 4
- Thank you love!! I SO happy you like it! Makes ME happy! lol
- Awesome job. it take a really brave person to do that thank: Tajirs S Hawkins.·
- I am really digging this flick so far. I can't wait to see it on the big screen. I think my favorite characters are going to be Dale and Sabrina. The connection between these two is awesome. People can relate to this film in many ways. I do have question...will Dale have any lesbian friends, or is he always hanging the homeboys? -Sleepy·
- Hey Tajir! Saw the film it was really good. I am so proud to have contributed financial to bring this film to fruition. You were awesome in it Family. I would have liked to see the reactions of Dale's male friends, when he revealed himself, and how the writer addresses how Dale explains this to Sabrina. I understand that this short film, will be a feature due out Dec 2013 and those questions will be answered then.·
- Epic!(Dale & Sabrina, they should definitely make something beautiful.)·
- I knew by the title this was going to be great. I was amazed at the film, it left me wanting to see more. I can't wait to see the entire film. You guys did an amazing amazing job!!!!·
- watched it 3 times nd then just sat here for like 5 min trying to think of how to express what i was thinking nd feeling... much respect to TDV for an amazing story! s/o to Tajir for a brilliant performance! those moments when we were taken on that death-defying roller coaster of emotions almost did me in... absolutely powerful!! i love it!·
- I am a writer and can't even find the words to even say how powerful, amazing, artistic, compelling and groundbreaking this was.. Tajir is such an amazing actor {oscar in the Future} and this is one of the most profound pieces it was so amazing to ever be exposed to the world.. I took a deep breath and haven't exhaled yet Thanks for your free mind and brilliant soul Teresa Dowell-Vest ~Author Berlinda White~·
- Alafia (Peace) This is amazing, powerful and profound. Lashea sent me the link. My organization Cycle for Freedom, Inc. partners with the Auburn Avenue Research Library to screen a film a month. Would Teresa Dowett-Vest please contact me Khafre K. Abif cycleforfreedom@gmail.com· 2
- Hello Khafre! I am reading your email now and look forward to connecting with you!TDV·
- Soooo proud of you! And THIS! What an honor to feel like I was a part of the process <3 amor="" blessings="" endeavors="" future="" in="" many="" p="" your="">3>·
- POWERFUL!!!! PopPop, (Taj) I am beyond proud of you! And yes, Sabrina is a beautiful name. Lol~ Gem·
- thanks for teaching......this gives another glimpse into my brothers journey! Namaste·
- Wow. This was very bold, and it represents a lot of individuals that need a voice. I can't wait to see more.·
- Wow... I'm in awe... I have no words. This story needs to be told, what a brave and bold step. So proud of you Terésa and Tajir, let's have more please and Thank you!!!·
- Bravo!! I had to watch twice just to make sure I didn't miss anything. My heart is bursting with pride. Well done Terésa, the amazing cast and all involved in this film. I held my breath at the end. The sheer bravery of what Tajir had to do in that final scene had my heart racing. Thank you for sharing a part of your personal journey with us. You are an inspiration to many. Looking forward to the next installment. PS: Thank you for the Kickstarter recognition. That truly was a special touch.·
- everyone one in the cast did a great job and I cant wait for the next one.·
- Speechless. Terésa Dowell-Vest, you did a phenomenal job on capturing how one moment, one choice, one insignificant action can change the ENTIRE game! My favorite quote "women want to be courted, not conquered" . I am so looking forward to seeing the full movie. And Tajir S. Hawkins...thank you. This is more than a movie... Thank you...real talk, real issues.· 5