
  • The Box 69: DIVA BLUE

    Color: DIVA BLUE
    April 8, 2011
    Song: "Diva" Beyonce

    I woke up this morning.
    I greeted myself with a Sunglow warm
    "Good Morning"
    And reminded myself
    To continue to live in passion
    And not fear...
    To embrace challenge
    To relinquish regret.
    Do not allow myself to be punished
    For the mistake of others
    And to love
    Like there was never hurt.
    I woke UP this morning.

    I woke UP this morning.
    And said
    Man, you gotta thank the people who love you.
    It's not always given
    Or easily.
    You gotta thank the people who love you
    For it comforts you in your loneliness and quiet.
    You gotta thank the people who love you
    Because food is for the body,
    Love is for the spirit.
    You gotta thank the people who love you
    Because when you close them eyes at night,
    Your dreams are cast with those people.
    You gotta thank the people who love you
    Because we respond to positive reinforcement and gratitude...
    And it encourages us to keep giving.
    You gotta thank the people who love you
    Because there are plenty of people who don't.
    You gotta thank the people who love you
    Because, well sh!t, it's polite.
    And I woke UP this morning.

    I woke UP this morning.
    I savored a strawberry for breakfast.
    I danced in a waterfall for lunch.
    Still flying without a net
    I laid myself out for my lover to feast
    Floating on love by candlelight
    And for that,
    I woke UP this morning.

    I woke UP this morning.
    I caught truth like a butterfly
    And whispered
    It's not you.
    It's me.
    It's not you who loves me endlessly.
    It's me.
    It's not you who celebrates my romantic heart
    It's me.
    It's not you who leaves me empty.
    It's me.
    It's not you who causes my pain.
    It's me.
    It's not you I choose to love.
    It's me.
    Every day I must choose me
    In order to choose you.
    And if you can not choose me.
    I can not choose you.
    Despite how much I want to.
    We all deserve what we want.
    But if you participate in what you don't want,
    You deserve what you get.
    And as not to deprive myself of the love I deserve,
    I woke UP this morning.

    I woke UP this morning.
    My journal DEMANDED I hold myself accountable
    For my own actions
    And my own choices.
    My failings are simply my trials.
    My successes are merely taunts to see if I can repeat them.
    Neither need me lingerin' too long on them.
    I looked at what I wrote
    And realized I needed to challenge myself
    To be a better me.
    I woke UP this morning.

    I woke UP this morning.
    Holdin' a yard sale
    On the emotional clutter
    The blessin' blockers
    The insecure, fearful no risk takin' single sock bin
    Cause NOTHING matches mess!
    I have no regrets...at all.
    I put myself out there...
    My art...
    My passion...
    My love.
    I can control if I give it,
    So I give it
    And fiercely.
    I can NOT control if I get it back,
    So I can't worry
    About your worries
    About reciprocity,
    And vulnerability.
    I can't carry your fear.
    It's too heavy.
    It gets in the way of my day.
    And if someone else wants it
    They can have it
    For free!
    From me.
    Make it free of me.
    I woke UP this morning.

    I woke UP this morning.
    I thanked the Lord for all the days before and all the days to come.
    And I reminded myself
    of my mantra
    out of my last week
    and into my new week:
    "My creative and entrepreneurial success exist in
    My Hunger: My fearless passion to succeed despite the prospect of failure;
    My Hustle: My restless efforts to achieve my goals through networking and moving mountains, one pebble at a time;
    My Hallelujah: Maintaining faith and giving praise for knowing I am ALWAYS assisted and NEVER alone. I am living a celebrated life.
    I have heroes
    Super, as they are...
    And they are waiting on me
    They are not waiting on the world of 'theys' and 'thems'
    They are waiting on me
    To step up
    And deliver them properly!
    I have the key.
    I have to turn it
    And press the gas.
    I woke UP this morning.

    I woke UP this morning.
    Opened my eyes.
    Laying on my stomach
    I look over at possibilities
    And the rainbow
    Next to the bed.
    I rolled my fingers over the crayons next to the bed
    And smiled at Tickle Me Pink
    And Cotton Candy's sweetness.
    I pulled the pillow closer to my chin
    Like a lover's shoulder
    I smiled at the memory of a Cerulean blues night
    Sat up into my Sunglow morning
    And I,
    With a deep calming sigh
    And a sure,
    Resounding voice,
    Greeted the Diva
    "Good morning."

    Starting from the top...


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